Spiritual Warfare

Hands Tied

“Hands Tied” and Loving It!

“Hands tied” and loving it! Happy intercessors are among the most powerful people on earth. Why? Because they “see” God doing incredible things. Notice, however, that I said “happy.” Long-faced Christianity is a sure sign that someone isn’t connecting with our Source of joy and strength. You can only be happy about things that you can’t fix, if you have succeeded in fixing your eyes on Jesus—and have fully given your problems to Him. Few people come to Jesus politely.…

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The Miracle Book: The Bible

The Miracle Book: Fascinating Facts about the Bible

Lately, I’ve found myself calling the Bible the Miracle Book at every opportunity. I can’t help myself. It just wants to come out so I let it. Of course I believe it, but the curious thing to me is why it suddenly became so important for me to say it. I think that the big reason is something so widespread becomes common place: we tend to take things in our immediate environment for granted. Years ago our young family lived…

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The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening: An Easy Way to Help Others

Hearing what people say is one thing. Really listening is something else entirely. What turns listening into an art form is learning how to juggle listening to others and listening for the Lord at the same time. Listen well enough to others and you will more easily hear from the Lord. These simple rules and visual images will help put you on track, but only practice makes perfect.  And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”…

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The Big Five Connectors to Jesus

The Big Five Connectors to Jesus (“Secrets” of the Spirit Filled Life)

Have you ever felt like the plug got pulled on your life in Christ? Like you’re cut off and drifting away, or worse, have taken a big hit and now are in free fall. Doesn’t feel very good does it? The peace of Christ becomes a faded memory, a host of weaknesses sap your strength and temptations you thought you’d finished with are back pounding on your spiritual door. Disconnected! It’s one of the easiest things to happen to a…

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