Physical Healing

The Apostles Never Said Please

The Apostles Never Said Please!

The apostles never said please! They learned to pray from the Master. When did Jesus ever say “please God” when praying against a demon or a disease? Just as He commanded spirits to go, He commanded healing to come. Search the scriptures for yourself: After Pentecost, the apostles went about doing things the same way. I have a hunch why so many of us missed this. We look at the Biblical picture from the outside and think that if we…

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The Curse and Gods Redemption

The Curse and God’s Redemption

I have heard so much confusion around the promise of redemption that I hope this will clarify a few things about why we suffer the curse and its consequences and how God works through it all. Just because God works in a redemptive way with the curse doesn’t mean that He needed or wanted us to be messed up by it! Can you agree with this statement? God would surely much rather work creatively through us than redemptively for us.…

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