Loving Jesus

How Good Is God?

How Good is God? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

How good is God? This was the overlooked question. The question no one was asking. Jesus went straight for it. You have to watch Jesus carefully. When you do, you discover that He doesn’t act like your typical Christian minister. He doesn’t seem to care who He offends. He certainly doesn’t practice our social etiquette. Here’s a case in point: Someone asked Jesus a perfectly sensible question about eternal life, but rather than encourage him with kindness (as we would),…

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Two Powerful Incentives (Get You Going!)

These two incentives are out of this world. I doubt any motivational speaker focuses on them. Nevertheless, if you want to be motivated for life, especially for plowing through the tough passages of life, you need these two. Best of all they are powered up by God Himself. So, you don’t even have to work hard at rehearsing them. Just connect with reality, the Reality that is God, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. His power is released…

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Financial Strategies that Work

Financial Strategies that Work (While You’re Resting in the Lord)

How would you like some simple financial strategies that are practically guaranteed to help your situation? I want to pass on to you for free the three best things I learned along the way. And trust me, there’s no link to some exclusive offer. I don’t want your money! I just want to help someone out there learn wonderful things to make their life better. And please don’t think I’m claiming to be a financial guru. This isn’t about mastering…

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The Step I Missed

The Step I Missed (in Following Jesus)

The step I missed is this: I had been teaching for years just what Jesus said, that in order to follow Him we must first, deny our self; second, take up our cross and third, follow Him. According to Jesus, we can’t follow Him, unless we are willing to deny ourselves (as often as needed) and take up our cross (really bring our screaming flesh to death). That’s clear isn’t it? Get those first two steps first, then we can…

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