A Surrendered Heart

The Passion Blocker

The Passion Blocker (Why “Mini Me” Is Such a Formidable Threat)

How did we ever get snookered by this one?  Jesus is the most amazing and beautiful Person in the universe! How can we not be passionate about Him? Why don’t we live absorbed and fascinated by Him—all day long? There has to be a good answer for this, for this is surely the Enemy’s number one problem: How do you keep people from seeing the beautiful God and running to Him? What is the enemy’s strategy to defeat our natural,…

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The Surrender Prayers

The Surrender Prayers

Would you agree that the only appropriate position for a created being is to live in complete submission to its Creator? That anything less than total surrender to the Master’s will is “black-hearted” rebellion? Evidently, the Lord thought so, for when He discovered that Lucifer was going his own way apart from God’s leadership, that rebel was cast out of heaven! Satan became to first to serve self-will and through that departure from Grace, he fell into master-minding the Great…

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The Usual Suspects

The Second Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled

If you’ve seen “The Usual Suspects,” then you know that according to the Kevin Spacey character, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” That is laughably low on the list. Hiding the reality of his existence from sin-blinded humanity is a parlor trick for Satan. It is EASY for spiritual darkness to hide in the shadows—that’s their native habitat. How in the world did Satan “hide” God?…

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Our Secret Weapon

Our Secret Weapon (And Why We Don’t Use It Enough)

Time really is on our side, but we often have to wait for the right time to come. Faith turns waiting into our secret weapon. Waiting doesn’t feel like much of a weapon; oh, but it is. It breaks down many a hidden obstacle. Israel waited a long time for their Messiah to come to them (a thousand years from the promise given to King David). But His coming was well worth the wait…

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