New Life: What Just Happened Chick?What is “New Life in Christ”? It is a radically new heavenly life in Christ that begins here and now and goes on forever. So much has been promised to us! But it doesn’t all just drop on us out of the blue. We “come to life” by believing and then living the truths which our new life is built upon.

If you want to know how to make your new life count (and enjoy it) now that you are saved, you’ve come to the right section. And if you are an older Christian who is struggling to find the joy, peace and fulfillment promised by the gospel, then these articles will help refresh and restore you. True spiritual health is living with your heart yielded to Jesus in every situation. That’s a different approach, isn’t it? That’s what makes our new life ever fresh and ever new!

The Euthanasia of Pets

On the Euthanasia of Pets

One of the places our hearts get entangled is in the lives of our favorite animals. Loving always sets us up for experiencing pain. No, I’m not being cynical, just playing the odds, especially where pets are concerned. Since we outlive them, we are bound to suffer loss and, perhaps, even face some very difficult choices. I hope these thoughts will help you. Many people are genuinely troubled over the decision to put a much loved animal “to sleep.” I…

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Running with the Horses

Running with the Horses

Are you ready for what is coming? I have a concern, growing ever stronger inside me as the US economy continues to fall deeper into debt, and it is this: If so many people have been finding it hard to trust God and live in peace, under our present conditions of relative prosperity and stability, what will become of them when we go over Niagara Falls? You don’t have to be a prophet…

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Do Nothing

Do Nothing!

Do nothing? Oh, how that rubs against the grain! Sure there are plenty of times when my lazy bone is acting up and I only want to lay back, roll over and do nothing. But those are never the times (so to speak) when my house is on fire! In such situations of pain or perceived danger I’m on fire to do all that I can to alleviate the problems I face. And yet sometimes the best thing to do…

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The Prodigals Delay

The Prodigal’s Delay (and How to Avoid It)

Why did the prodigal take so long to return? Why did he linger in that pig pen which was so humiliating and hateful for him (as a Jew) to endure? Why didn’t he simply head straight home to his father once the money was gone? Why did he drag it out until he was practically starving? It wasn’t pride. That’s what people usually say when I ask the question in class, especially classes on recovery from addictions. They know only…

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