Holy Trinity - The FatherEver questioned our Father’s leadership? Someone has to be in charge and we couldn’t hope for a more loving, joyful or completely competent Being to take the reins. God our Father has never failed to love or to govern wisely—it is impossible for Him to make a mistake or commit a moral failure in anyone’s life. Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit apparently defer to the Father’s leadership to say nothing of the unnumbered hosts who serve Him night and day. Yet, Satan rebelled, as did the entire kingdom of darkness and they have seduced humanity into thinking that their Enemy is somehow our enemy…

The Prodigals Delay

The Prodigal’s Delay (and How to Avoid It)

Why did the prodigal take so long to return? Why did he linger in that pig pen which was so humiliating and hateful for him (as a Jew) to endure? Why didn’t he simply head straight home to his father once the money was gone? Why did he drag it out until he was practically starving? It wasn’t pride. That’s what people usually say when I ask the question in class, especially classes on recovery from addictions. They know only…

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God Delights in You

God Delights in You!

How can God possibly delight in us? Most days it’s quite a stretch just to believe that He loves and forgives us. But that He actually delights in us and rejoices over us, has passionate affections for us, and is totally devoted to us—that’s asking a lot! The truth is that we all have a spiritual sense cultivated in us by the enemy which he has been using to slander God deep in our hearts. This body of lies makes…

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