Getting to Heaven

Treasure In Heaven

Treasure in Heaven: What Can You Take with You?

Can we store up treasure for heaven? Are there things we can take with us?  At first glance, it would seem impossible. There is nothing we can do to leap from earth to heaven and, even if we could, what could we possibly take along? An old Spanish proverb has it that there are no pockets in a shroud. And, yes, the Preacher did say that “we all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as…

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The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: Physical Death Wasn’t His Greatest Torment

In full display before a watching world, Jesus suffered as no human being has ever suffered or will ever suffer again. Yet, no one looking on could see it. The scoffers certainly couldn’t see that it was their Messiah who was being crucified right before their eyes. However, even those who believed in Jesus couldn’t see the true extent of their Messiah’s suffering: Physical death …

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Helmet Of Salvation

The Helmet of Salvation: What Is It?

What is the helmet of salvation? And why do we need it? It protects our minds from assaults by the Accuser to try to undermine our confidence in the salvation our lives depend upon. Ever watched the Olympic swimmers? They have very tight-fitting skull caps. That’s what we need, spiritually speaking, in order to swim our best in the rough seas of inward and outward turbulence. Since both Ephesians 6:17 and 1 Thessalonians 5:8 call attention to it, I want to give you…

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What Makes a Suicide Bomber Tick

What Makes a Suicide Bomber Tick? (They’re Wired Tight to This)

The thing that drives Islamic terrorism is easy to understand. You don’t have to take a lot of case histories. You don’t have to read the whole Koran. You only need to know your own heart and the basic reality of life on earth in order to grasp it. Why our leaders and media experts in the West don’t seem to understand it, now that’s a thing which requires a bit more explaining! At the deepest level imaginable the terrorists…

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