For grace-full, joy-filled living
Childlike Freedom

Childlike Freedom: Why Live Without It?

Can the “little child” in you come out and play? I’m smiling, but I’m not joking: This is a very serious question. Listen to what Jesus had to say about the necessity of childlike freedom on a day when the disciples evidently weren’t getting it. He plunked a small child down right in front of them and issued this warning: “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter…

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Spiritual Protection

Spiritual Protection? He’s Got You Covered!

You may already have the best spiritual protection in the universe. Imagine that an immense football stadium’s dome is over your head. No matter where you go it covers you. The best angelic engineers built it, so you know with absolute assurance that you will never be afflicted by the rain or winds, sleet or snow, not even hurricanes or tornadoes. You are covered and protected against anything the weather may throw at you…

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How Good Is God?

How Good is God? Inquiring Minds Want to Know

How good is God? This was the overlooked question. The question no one was asking. Jesus went straight for it. You have to watch Jesus carefully. When you do, you discover that He doesn’t act like your typical Christian minister. He doesn’t seem to care who He offends. He certainly doesn’t practice our social etiquette. Here’s a case in point: Someone asked Jesus a perfectly sensible question about eternal life, but rather than encourage him with kindness (as we would),…

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Two Powerful Incentives (Get You Going!)

These two incentives are out of this world. I doubt any motivational speaker focuses on them. Nevertheless, if you want to be motivated for life, especially for plowing through the tough passages of life, you need these two. Best of all they are powered up by God Himself. So, you don’t even have to work hard at rehearsing them. Just connect with reality, the Reality that is God, and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. His power is released…

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