New Life: What Just Happened Chick?What is “New Life in Christ”? It is a radically new heavenly life in Christ that begins here and now and goes on forever. So much has been promised to us! But it doesn’t all just drop on us out of the blue. We “come to life” by believing and then living the truths which our new life is built upon.

If you want to know how to make your new life count (and enjoy it) now that you are saved, you’ve come to the right section. And if you are an older Christian who is struggling to find the joy, peace and fulfillment promised by the gospel, then these articles will help refresh and restore you. True spiritual health is living with your heart yielded to Jesus in every situation. That’s a different approach, isn’t it? That’s what makes our new life ever fresh and ever new!

The Curse and Gods Redemption

The Curse and God’s Redemption

I have heard so much confusion around the promise of redemption that I hope this will clarify a few things about why we suffer the curse and its consequences and how God works through it all. Just because God works in a redemptive way with the curse doesn’t mean that He needed or wanted us to be messed up by it! Can you agree with this statement? God would surely much rather work creatively through us than redemptively for us.…

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The Right to Complain

The Right to Complain

Who has the right to complain? One of the students in the recovery program at the Mission where I work made this comment, only slightly refined by me: “The only person with a right to complain about how they are being treated is the one who is treating everyone else perfectly.” The context for this discussion was the perennial poor treatment of the students, who run the program, by the “friends and neighbors,”…

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Things God Didnt Tell You

Things God Didn’t Tell You

There are a few things that God didn’t tell you when you were born—or even ask your permission to do! Stay with me on this wry look at an imaginary scene in heaven. Suppose the Father had seated you on His loving knee and asked if you wanted to help Him out with a little rescue campaign He was operating on planet Earth (I know that nobody is in heaven before they’re born—just play along)…

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The Pick Ax of Praise

The Pick Ax of Praise

Thanking God for blessings is child’s play compared to what is actually set before us as the answer to life’s hardest problems. What do you do when you are reeling from the blows of adversity and emotional pain? The Word tells us to thank God in all things and for all things. He does not causes evil, but He can overturn it, bringing a greater blessing out of it than any evil the enemy put into it in the first…

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