

I'm Steve, a former missionary and carpenter. Now a passionate follower of Jesus, devoted to living in the Spirit and helping others gain peace and freedom.
The Prodigals Delay

The Prodigal’s Delay (and How to Avoid It)

Why did the prodigal take so long to return? Why did he linger in that pig pen which was so humiliating and hateful for him (as a Jew) to endure? Why didn’t he simply head straight home to his father once the money was gone? Why did he drag it out until he was practically starving? It wasn’t pride. That’s what people usually say when I ask the question in class, especially classes on recovery from addictions. They know only…

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Always a Second Chance

Always a Second Chance?

Does God always give us a second chance? I hear this preached a lot, especially at the rescue mission where I serve as a part time chaplain. There is a great and wonderful truth to it, but there is also a very big BUT.First the truth: If you are able to turn to God and start calling on His Name in repentance for going the wrong way, you have just been given the second chance! If you want to get your life right with God, but don’t even know how, you have just been given the second chance…

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What Spiritual Growth Really Is

What Spirit Growth is NOT

If you want to walk closely with the Lord, then growing spiritually is your heart’s desire. What’s more, it is chock full of wonderful benefits: the peace of Christ, the joy of the Lord, close fellowship with Jesus, sensitivity to guidance, empowerment for work and ministry, and all kinds of other practical blessings in daily life. Who wouldn’t want to grow spiritually? We may want to grow, but stumble at the threshold…

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The Power of Your Will

The Power of Your Will

You’ve got the power! (Do you know how to use it?) Apart from God Himself, your will is the single most powerful thing in your universe. It has the power to choose heaven or hell as your ultimate destination and a heaven-infused life versus a hellish one down here. Like a fire hose under maximum pressure, it holds such power that it can send you careening all over the place, unless you learn how to get a good grip on…

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