

I'm Steve, a former missionary and carpenter. Now a passionate follower of Jesus, devoted to living in the Spirit and helping others gain peace and freedom.
Our Secret Weapon

Our Secret Weapon (And Why We Don’t Use It Enough)

Time really is on our side, but we often have to wait for the right time to come. Faith turns waiting into our secret weapon. Waiting doesn’t feel like much of a weapon; oh, but it is. It breaks down many a hidden obstacle. Israel waited a long time for their Messiah to come to them (a thousand years from the promise given to King David). But His coming was well worth the wait…

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The Euthanasia of Pets

On the Euthanasia of Pets

One of the places our hearts get entangled is in the lives of our favorite animals. Loving always sets us up for experiencing pain. No, I’m not being cynical, just playing the odds, especially where pets are concerned. Since we outlive them, we are bound to suffer loss and, perhaps, even face some very difficult choices. I hope these thoughts will help you. Many people are genuinely troubled over the decision to put a much loved animal “to sleep.” I…

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Running with the Horses

Running with the Horses

Are you ready for what is coming? I have a concern, growing ever stronger inside me as the US economy continues to fall deeper into debt, and it is this: If so many people have been finding it hard to trust God and live in peace, under our present conditions of relative prosperity and stability, what will become of them when we go over Niagara Falls? You don’t have to be a prophet…

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Do Nothing

Do Nothing!

Do nothing? Oh, how that rubs against the grain! Sure there are plenty of times when my lazy bone is acting up and I only want to lay back, roll over and do nothing. But those are never the times (so to speak) when my house is on fire! In such situations of pain or perceived danger I’m on fire to do all that I can to alleviate the problems I face. And yet sometimes the best thing to do…

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